Maritime insurance brokerage has started within S.C. FAIRWAY MARITIME SERVICES S.R.L. Constanta, a company established in 1992 by partners with important expertise in Romanian maritime merchant fleet (NAVROM) in managing vessels on sea as well as operating them by shore departments (chartering, maritime claims and insurance, high level management).
S.C. FAIRWAY MARITIME SERVICES S.R.L. offered and carried out a wide range of consultancy services such as: chartering brokerage, surveys on vessels and cargoes, maritime insurance brokerage for vessels, cargoes and third party liabilities, handling and settling of maritime claims arisen from execution of maritime contracts and / or from insurance policies when risks occurred, particular and general averages.
As from 2001, due to provisions of domestic law which statued insurance, reinsurance and brokerage activities, it was established S.C. FAIRWAY BROKER DE ASIGURARE S.R.L. Constanta having as unique object of activity insurance brokerage, by taking over the specific activity started in 1992.