Str. Revolutiei din 22 Dec.1989, Bl. L9, Sc.A, Et.1, Apt.3, 900735 - Constanta
Tel./Fax: +40(241)616533, 619566, 619837
Mobil: 0744 576225
0744 576280
(approved by S.C.FAIRWAY BROKER DE ASIGURARE’s decision no.1/30.01.2015)
This procedure establishes the ways in which petitions received from claimants or their legal proxies are received, analyzed and solved.
The claimants could address the petitions directly to secretary department of SC FAIRWAY BROKER DE ASIGURARE SRL Constanta or by fax no. 0241 / 619837 or by E-mail address or by site “Petitii UNSICAR” (The National Union of Insurance Brokerage and Consultancy Companies of Romania) which is accessible from this site (the contact “Link Petitii”).
The petitions are registered in “Register of Unique use” kept in secured electronic form on UNSICAR mentioned site.
The conveyance of the petitions to the management are made electronically in the same registration day .
The analyze of the petitions are made by “Analyze and solving of petitions Group” which could take measures for research, analyze and fast resolution of the petitions.
The deadline to answer to the claimant is maximum 30 days from the date of receiving and registration of the petition in “Register of Unique use”.
The executive management of SC FAIRWAY BROKER DE ASIGURARE SRL is responsible for organizing the activity of solving the petitions, the legality of solutions adopted and their communication to the claimants and ASF.
According to provisions of Government Ordinance 38/2015 and by Rules no. 4/2016 of Authorithy of Financial Supervision (A.S.F.), the potential claims / litigations of the insured (in their capacity of services consumers) can be solved too using the Entity for Alternative Solving of non baking disputes (SAL-Fin), organized and managed by A.S.F. SAL-Fin Rules and procedures SAL-Fin can be furnished by SC FAIRWAY BROKER DE ASIGURARE SRL.
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